Sexual Harassment Policy
ASDPN International is committed to providing for her members and members of the communities. We engage workplace that is free from all forms of sexual harassment. Our sexual harassment policy focuses on protecting men and women in our organization and the communities we engage from unwanted sexual advances and gives guidance to report incidents. Cognizant of the historic November 2018 resolution adopted by the third Committee of the UN General Assembly on sexual harassment justifying the illegality of the act under international law, our leadership has thus unequivocally committed to fight harassment and reinforce mechanisms and procedures to prevent and address it. This includes enhancing grievance channels at all levels of the organization and supporting victims and whistle-blowers. Therefore when ASDPN International determines that an allegation of sexual harassment is credible, it will take prompt and appropriate corrective action. The integrity of our organization is upheld by the conduct of each member, in any location, with full respect of the communities we serve.
What is Sexual Harassment?
It is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This may take the following forms:
For extreme cases like sexual assault, ASDPN International will support any member of the network or from the communities we work with who desires to press charges against the offender.
Members and Community Rights and Responsibilities under the Policy
Any member of ASDPN International or member of the communities we engage who believes he or she has been the target of sexual harassment is encouraged to inform the offending person orally pr in writing that such conduct is unwelcome and offensive and must stop. If the member be it from ASDPN International or a local community does not wish to communicate directly with the offending person, or if such communication has been ineffective, the multiple avenues for reporting allegations of sexual harassment and/or pursuing resolution should be considered. Victims are encouraged to report the unwelcome conduct as soon as possible either directly to OEC or to a senior Department official or Coordinator. All reports must however be eventually transmitted to the OEC for proper investigation and sanctions. Senior Department official or Coordinator includes; the Executive Director, Office of Ethics and Conduct, Directors, Regional Coordinators, Country Coordinators, and Regional Focal Points. Sometimes, people who harass others may not realize that their behavior is wrong. Though this may be possible, it doesn’t make the perpetrator any less responsible for their actions. In cases of this nature, victims may be required to draw the attention of the offender that their actions constitute sexual harassment and they must stop.
Reporting and Contact Information
If you are being sexually harassed (or suspect another person is being harassed), please report to the Office of Ethics and Conduct (OEC). In serious cases like sexual assault call the Police and inform the OEC that you plan to press charges. We acknowledge that it’s often hard to come forward about these issues, but we need your help to build a fair and safe workplace for you and other members of ASDPN International. To report cases of sexual harassment within ASDPN International working environment, there are two options. To report cases of sexual harassment within ASDPN International working environment, there are two options:
The OEC can be contacted via email at
All ASDPN International members are required to comply with this policy. Members are required to behave professionally and exercise good judgment in work-related relationships, whether with fellow members, partners or members of the public with whom they come in to contact in the course of official duties. Further, all members are expected to take appropriate measures to prevent sexual harassment. Unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature should be stopped before it becomes severe or pervasive and rises to violation of law.