Science And Environmental Sustainability (SAES)
François Hollande, former President of France
An examination of Africa’s environment reveals that the continent is one of the most biologically diverse parts of planet earth with a vast array of naturally occurring floral and faunal resources. However, the continent of Africa has in the last three decades witnessed an unprecedented loss and degradation of her environmental resources. Rare plant and animal species (marine and terrestrial) are going extinct with little attention being given to this plight. Indeed Africa is presently experiencing a severe environmental crisis which if left unchecked will have serious implications for future life in the continent and the world at large. The Science and Environmental Sustainability programme will therefore develop the basis within the natural and social sciences for the rational and sustainable use and conservation of the resources of the overall relationship between people and their environment. The programme points out the repercussions that present actions will have on future generations, so as to embed within the African populace a sense of environmental consciousness and responsibility towards ensuring sustainability for all.
To build climate resilience in the continent through timely and effective early warning and climate smart information and services geared towards reversing the devastating consequences of climate change on the African populace, while at the same time facilitating and easing decision making at national and community levels in Africa as well as developing sustainable partnerships, improved awareness and access to climate information services (CIS) especially among policy makers. The program will also strengthen the governance and enabling environment for climate information services uptake and use in Africa, including evidence on impact, donor coordination and protocols for sharing data.
ASDPN International will at all times and across all social levels work vigorously to ensure that gender issues are taken in to consideration when examining, developing and implementing policies to address Science and Environmental Sustainability issues around in the continent.
Science And Policies Of Managing Wild Dumps In The Commune Of Ibadan DRC. What We Found
- October 17, 2019
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