Science For Climate Smart Agriculture In Africa (Science4CSA)

José Graziano da Silva
“What happens with agriculture will determine what happens to our world”

José Graziano da Silva, Director General, FAO

ASDPN International


  • Individual, commodity- and activity – specific successes will be built upon and translated in to sustained, system wide improvements in agriculture performance.
  • There will be the promotion of investments, policies and partnerships necessary to replicate and scale up successful technologies and processes that will help accelerate growth in Africa’s agriculture.
  • The poverty cycle in the continent will be bridged making way for a vibrant agricultural sector that provides sustainable incomes, employment and affordable priced staple foods.
  • There will be effective crisis response and increased productivity thanks to sustained capacity development on response to pests and diseases that threaten food security in the continent.
  • There will be sustained and continuous rejuvenation of diverse continental scientific research thanks to laboratory and field capabilities which will ease the embracing of sustainable and Climate Smart Agriculture best practices.
  • Science will be mainstreamed as an essential part of agriculture-led social and economic transformation in Africa.
Smallholder Farmers In Cameroon Engaged Around Agricultural Sustainability.

Smallholder Farmers In Cameroon Engaged Around Agricultural Sustainability

Your Donation Is Hope For Them

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