Climate Change & Information Services For Sustainable Development (CC-IS4SD)

Barrack Obama
“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate.”

Barrack Obama, former President of the United States of America


  • Climate services for agriculture and food security will become increasingly available and easy for community members to access and implement.
  • National and regional meteorological services will profit from this programme and easily communicate and provide standard action oriented climate information services to communities and other development stakeholders.
  • There will be better scientific understanding of the impacts of changing weather and climate patterns on various areas of social life by development stakeholders. Thanks to engaging and practical education and capacity building workshops/seminars.
  • There will be regular development and communication of climate policies based on scientific evidence that will at all times ensure that development actions in the continent can withstand and surpass climatic shocks.
  • There will be easy access to the right information on climate change related issues, easy access to the latest technology, and increased capacity, permitting Africa to scale up efforts to achieve the SDG’s, and Agenda 2063 and facilitate regional cooperation in the fight against climate change.
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