Energy And Green Growth (EGREG)

Robert Alan Silverstein
“We can create a more sustainable, cleaner and safer world by making wiser energy choices.”

Robert Alan Silverstein, Writer, Artist, Social Activist


  • Contribution to achievement of the Goal number 7 of the SDGs.
  • Contribution to the implementation of the Agenda 2063 energy targets of the African Union.
  • Reducing the number of lives lost to disease due to indoor air pollutants from traditional biomass cookstoves.
  • Productive uses of energy for income generation and poverty eradication.
  • Jobs creation
  • A low carbon Africa.
Your Donation Is Hope For Them

More Info

Inviting members/stakeholders to key energy events taking place in Africa. Trainings in partnerships with NGOs concerning gender and energy, clean and efficient use of energy in rural areas. Publish writings concerning renewable energy development in Africa member countries and beyond. Etc.Contact us:  
we will gladly share more with you.